
Templštejn – natural attractions

The steep hill in a deep river valley is not only interesting by castle ruins, it is also valuable natural area. The whole castle hill was plain in the past. Even at the beginning of the 20th century only low shrubs and bare surface debris prevailed. Due to the rocky nature of the hill the area was economically useless, which allowed its re-spontaneous ingrowths. The current composition of the stands is so very close to the natural structure with developed species and age structure.

The rich species composition also contributes very varied geological conditions. Part of the slope has the character of rock faces and outcrops with the poor and drying soils. Part of the area consists of floating debris fields. On the gentler slopes on the other hand are richer soils, which pass in ravines into soils with sufficient supply of water. Subsoil and moisture availability influences the species composition. Milder and shady slopes are covered with rich deciduous forests of old lime trees and oaks. Dry and steep places are occupied by low stands of scrub oaks and pine trees, making the transition to low shrub undergrowth. The tops of the rock walls and surfaces without coverage then have the character of dry steppes with thermophilic plants. According to the number of different types of vegetation we can find directly in the area of the castle or in the immediate vicinity lots of rare species of which we can name for example Early Star-of-Bethlehem, Purple Cyclamen, Rue-leaved Saxifrage,  Small Yellow Onion and Mountain Garlic, St Bernard’s Lily, Pasque Flower etc. Right in the area of ​​the castle core you can find a species-rich shrub vegetation containing Spindle, Mahaleb Cherry, Cornelian Cherry and many others especially thermophilic species.

The varied natural environment is occupied by the number of animals and insects. Debris fields and dry grasslands are searched by thermophilic insects such as butterflies, spiders and ants, as well as reptiles. Due to the number of shelters and nesting opportunities whether in old trees, shrubs or vegetation interstices and rock creates that form the perfect environment for a number of birds from which we designate as great spotted Woodpecker. Decaying trees are then also suitable environment for wood-destroying insects such as stag beetles. Debris fields create suitable conditions for over wintering widely extended Fire Salamander.

The whole area belongs to protected area of The Central Pojihlaví and Natura 2000. Due to the natural uniqueness of the castle hill it will be a part of a separate nature reserve, which should be launched in 2013.


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