Author Archives: admin

Working weekend with volunteers from “Hnutí Brontosaurus-Fénix”

On the weekend from 18.6. to 20.6.2018 was working event with volunteers from “ZČ HB Fénix”. Thank you all for your help.

Tempelstein – winter 2021

Aerial photo of winter castle And some winter photos of Tempelstein.

Tempelstein on television and radio in 2020

Television reportage on the Czech Television channel ČT1, the show “Toulavá kamera” 20.9. Reportage for Czech Radio Brno show “Host apetýtu” 10.8. Reportage for Czech radio show “Tip for trip” 18.10.

Summer work camp with brontosaurus

From 1.8. until 14.8 there will again be a summer camp for young people.

Event with the willage Jamolice

Some photos from the event for children from the village Jamolice from 30.5.2020

Stories of enthusiasm

Stories of Enthusiasm – an exhibition (from 19.2. to 6.3.2020) of localities where the youth organization Brontosaurus operates. See more in Czech language.

PF 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Filming a program for Czech television today at the castle

Today, a program for children for a nationwide television channel was filmed at the castle. Some photos from filming.

Tourist march “Dukovany paths” 2019

September 7, 2019 was a march through Templštejn to the village of Jamolice. See more on

Information about summer camp with Brontosaur

From 4.8. to 17.8. there was a traditional work-experience camp with volunteers from the Brontosaurus movement on the castle Tempelstein. Part of the camp there was a archaeological excavations of the castle gate with Mr. Dejmal from Archaia Brno.