Aria from the Opera Templar on the Moravia at the Valtice Chateau again in 2019 see more info: or:
On May 13 and 14, there was a group of pupils with teachers from the Labská Brno primary school.As part of an international project (International Duke of Edinburgh Award), these students set out on an adventurous trip to castle Tempelstein.They slept under the stars in the castle, lit a fire and worked for two hours on both days. They picked up the stone for piles.I am adding some photos from this interesting and useful event. Thank you very much for your help.
Some photos from local cycling event.
Of the day 31.3.2019, from 9.30 to 12.30 hours the traditional job event with travel agency Kudrna ( Thank you all for your help and for the year hopefully see you again.
A short talk about the Tempelstein Castle in Czech language was in retirement club in village Jamolice in 15.3.2019.
A short talk about the Tempelstein Castle in Czech language was in the town museum in Moravský Krumlov in 19.2.2019.
A short talk about the Tempelstein Castle in Czech language was in the house of the “Hnutí brontosaurus” in city Brno in 5.2.2019 in 19:00. See more on the brontosaurus web
Happy New Year 2019
Short story about the castle and the templars on czech TV channel Kino svět 25.11. in 21:30 (only in Czech)